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Schools Reopen After Summer Vacations in Punjab

Schools Reopen After Summer Vacations in Punjab

Educational institutions in Punjab have reopened after a two-month summer break, marking the return of students to schools and colleges across the province. The resumption of classes has brought joy to students as they reunite with friends and classmates after an extended vacation period. The excitement among children is palpable as they embark on a new academic term. However, it was observed that the attendance of younger students was relatively lower on the first day back.

The summer break, which lasted from June 6 to August 20, prompted the closure of schools throughout Punjab. During this time, students had the opportunity to enjoy their annual vacation amid the region’s hot and dry weather conditions.

Read more : Sindh Schools Resume Academic Activities After Summer Break, But Government School Attendance Remains Low on First Day

Despite the enthusiasm for returning to educational activities, there have been challenges related to the availability of textbooks in the market, with curriculum books still not readily accessible.

As the academic year kicks off, students are eager to engage in learning and make the most of their time in educational institutions. The reopening of schools and colleges signifies a renewed focus on studies and growth for students in Punjab.
