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Senate Committee Suggests Boosting Donkey Exports to China

Senate Committee Suggests Boosting Donkey Exports to China

The Senate Standing Committee on Commerce on Wednesday recommended exporting entire living donkeys to China instead of just their skins.

The committee was informed that current donkey exports to China face no restrictions, while protocols for exporting donkey meat are in development.

Read more: Pregnant Donkey Fatally Shot After Owner Cuts Tree in Rawalpindi

The Ministry of Commerce plans to open new trade missions in Syria, Oman, Mozambique, Tanzania, Singapore, and Urumqi, with existing missions in Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Vietnam, and Kyrgyzstan.

The commerce ministry is involved in Pakistan’s $12 billion ‘Look Africa’ initiative, and agreements for barter trade with Iran and Russia are underway.

A transit trade agreement with Azerbaijan is expected to be signed this month, allowing 500 trucks daily.

New tariff lines are also being considered to reduce the trade deficit.
