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Senate Receives Another Resolution Urging Elections On 8th Feb, 2024

Senate Receives Another Resolution Urging Elections On 8th Feb, 2024

In response to the recent resolution in the Senate proposing a delay in the February 8 general elections due to security concerns, a new resolution has been introduced, emphasizing adherence to constitutional requirements and the timely conduct of the polls. The earlier resolution, which sought to postpone the elections, faced opposition from PML-N Senator Afnan Ullah Khan and drew criticism from various political parties. The caretaker information minister clarified that there was no directive from the prime minister or federal cabinet supporting a delay in the elections.

The latest development involves JI Senator Mushtaq Ahmed Khan submitting a fresh resolution advocating for on-time elections. The inclusion of this new resolution in the upcoming Senate session’s agenda remains uncertain.

Read more : ECP Reacts To Senates Call For 2024 Elections Delay

The draft of the resolution underscores the constitutional obligation for conducting elections and asserts that the Election Commission of Pakistan and the caretaker government bear the primary responsibility to ensure the polls are held on schedule. Referring to a Supreme Court verdict on the polls and the ECP’s confirmation of the February 8 election date, the resolution condemns the previous resolution as “unconstitutional and undemocratic.” It highlights the Senate’s lack of authority to oppose constitutional mandates and calls for adherence to the Supreme Court’s directives for fair elections.

Additionally, the resolution urges a fair and level playing field for all political parties and advocates for the nullification of the earlier Senate resolution seeking a delay in the polls. The resolution emphasizes the importance of upholding democratic principles and respecting constitutional obligations in the electoral process.
