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Significant Surge in Roti and Naan Prices Hits Lahore

Significant Surge in Roti and Naan Prices Hits Lahore

The prices of naan and roti in Lahore have experienced a significant increase, with reports indicating a surge of up to Rs. 15. A naan that was previously priced at Rs. 25 is now being sold for Rs. 40, while the cost of a simple roti has risen from Rs. 12 to Rs. 25.

The price hike has been attributed to the escalating costs of flour, fine flour, and gas. Additionally, the supply of affordable subsidized flour to utility stores has been halted.

Also Read: Wheat Prices to Drop by Rs. 25/Kg Soon

It is noteworthy that the prices of all food and essential items have seen an increase of 30 to 45 percent. Unprecedented levels have been reached in the prices of pulses, poultry, and eggs.

Anticipated further increases in the prices of chicken and eggs are attributed to the death of a significant number of chicks due to extreme cold, along with rising costs of chicken feed and medicine.

In the open market, the price of live chicken has reached Rs. 430 per kg. Chicken meat is priced at Rs. 630 per kg, eggs cost Rs. 400 per dozen, gram pulse is at Rs. 300 per kg, white gram at Rs. 400 per kg, lentils (dal mash) at Rs. 510 per kg, ghee at Rs. 470 per pouch, and oil at Rs. 490 per pouch.
