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Sonya Hussyn Opens Up About Rediscovering Love Beyond Stories

Sonya Hussyn recently appeared on Mazaq Raat, where she candidly discussed various aspects of her life, including love, challenging roles, and meaningful moments. Hosted by Imran Ashraf, the conversation touched on Sonya's success "formula," her appreciation for heartfelt scripts, and her belief in love.

Sonya Hussyn recently appeared on Mazaq Raat, where she candidly discussed various aspects of her life, including love, challenging roles, and meaningful moments. Hosted by Imran Ashraf, the conversation touched on Sonya’s success “formula,” her appreciation for heartfelt scripts, and her belief in love.

Jokingly, when asked about her success formula, Sonya humorously responded, “I just sit in the car and go,” prompting laughter from the host and the audience. She expressed gratitude for the conversation with Imran, appreciating his understanding as an actor. Sonya emphasized the rarity of finding scripts that genuinely touch the heart and evoke emotions, either making one cry, laugh, or feel the romance in the story.

While Sonya confessed to experiencing romance through scripts, she candidly shared that her belief in love in her personal life had been somewhat shaken. She mentioned, “Thank God we’re actors, because I think love and romance are limited to stories.” However, she also acknowledged the importance of professing love, stating, “I think there is a dearth of professing love. When love is professed, one feels good.”

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Imran praised Sonya for her dedication and hard work, particularly highlighting her gesture of gifting her parents a home. The audience applauded, and Sonya expressed the incomparable happiness and memories associated with that moment.

On a serious note, Sonya addressed the issue of human trafficking, shedding light on the dark side of society often ignored. She spoke about the role of the dark web and shared her commitment to portraying a character that raises awareness about the plight of victims.

When discussing the concept of hatred, Sonya referred to it as a “phase” and emphasized that those who know how to love seldom indulge in hatred. She reflected on her past stance about the possibility of falling in love again, admitting that it could be a possibility, but her busy schedule doesn’t allow much focus on such matters. Sonya encouraged others not to waste life due to a bad experience and affirmed the unmatched significance of the first profession of love.

Later, on her Instagram Story, Sonya expressed her gratitude to Imran and the Mazaq Raat team for their warmth and respect during the shoot. She praised the show as an extraordinary family program and thanked the cast, including Honey Albela, Sakhawat Nawaz, and Sardar Jamal, for their exceptional sense of humor. Sonya extended a special shoutout to Imran, acknowledging his contribution in breathing new life into Mazaq Raat and looking forward to more incredible episodes.
