Pakistani fast bowler Wahab Riaz declared his retirement from international cricket on Wednesday. Having debuted in a T20I match against Zimbabwe in 2008, Wahab Riaz shared the news through a social media post, marking the end of his journey in international cricket. Expressing his gratitude, Wahab Riazthanked the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB), his family, coaches, mentors, teammates, and fans who stood by him through various phases.
Former captain of the Peshawar Zalmi, the left-arm quick stated that he is looking forward to the future of franchise cricket. While initially aiming for a 2023 retirement from international cricket, Wahab Riaz conveyed his comfort with the decision, having given his best to Pakistan and the national team.
Read more : Wahab Riaz Responds to Criticism Regarding Splashing Rainwater on Bikers
Wahab Riaz participated in 36 T20Is, 27 Tests, and 91 ODIs for the Pakistan cricket team. His Test career was marked by 83 wickets, while he secured 120 wickets in ODIs with an average of 34.30. In T20 matches, he claimed 34 wickets with an average of 28.55.
🏏 Stepping off the international pitch
🌟 After an incredible journey, I've decided to retire from international cricket. Big thank you to PCB, my family, coaches, mentors, teammates, fans, and everyone who supported me. 🙏
Exciting times ahead in the world of franchise…
— Wahab Riaz (@WahabViki) August 16, 2023
Wahab gained prominence during the 2011 ICC Cricket World Cup, where his explosive performance against Australia left a lasting impact. Known for his ability to generate pace and bounce, he emerged as a valuable asset in limited-overs cricket.
In March 2023, Wahab Riaz took on the role of caretaker provincial sports minister in Punjab.