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Zhiying Zeng Remarkable Path To The Paris 2024 Olympics At The Age Of 58

Zhiying Zeng Remarkable Path To The Paris 2024 Olympics At The Age Of 58

Zhiying Zeng, originally from Guangzhou, China, made her Olympic debut at the age of 58, representing Chile after a remarkable journey. Born in 1966, Zeng grew up immersed in table tennis, with her mother as her coach.

This is an incredible story coming from the Paris Olympics. China-born Zeng Zhiying was regarded one of the best table tennis players at the age of 18 but when the rules of the sport changed out the two-sided paddles, her game was thrown off. She retired from table tennis at 20 and eventually moved to Chile. In fact, in 2000, she got what she called a “real job” and completely stepped away from the game.

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The turning point came in 1989 when a Chilean school invited her to coach table tennis, which significantly altered her path. After a few years, Zeng resumed playing and won two national tournaments in 2004 and 2005, but paused again when her son took up the sport.

Then, during the Covid pandemic, she bought a table and started playing TT after 20 years. And now at 58, she made her Olympics debut… representing Chile. What an inspiration… NEVER SAY NEVER. Her renewed enthusiasm led her to regional tournaments in Iquique, Chile, where she qualified for the 2023 South American Table Tennis Championships.

At the 2023 Pan American Games in Santiago, she captured attention and earned the chance to compete in the Paris 2024 Olympics.

Though Zeng lost to Lebanon’s Mariana Sahakian in the preliminary rounds, she felt fulfilled, surrounded by the support of her family. Her journey stands as a powerful example of perseverance and passion, inspiring many.
