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Defense Forces Greenlight 5G Spectrum Auction in 700 MHz Band

Defense Forces Greenlight 5G Spectrum Auction in 700 MHz Band

The Defence Forces of Pakistan have made a significant contribution to the country’s telecom sector by making available 30 MHz (2 x 15 MHz) in the 700 MHz band for the upcoming NGMS/5G spectrum auction. This move brings the total spectrum availability to around 300 MHz for the said auction. The Frequency Allocation Board (FAB) is now tasked with formally approving and recommending the availability of this spectrum, including the 2×15 MHz in the 700 MHz band.


Government sources have revealed that Pakistan’s government possesses ample spectrum resources for any potential future spectrum auctions for Next-Generation Mobile Services (NGMS). However, cellular mobile operators (CMOs) are approaching this cautiously due to economic challenges and market uncertainty regarding the launch of 5G. The government’s spectrum allocation covers various ITU bands earmarked for NGMS auction, including 700, 2100, 2300, 2600, and 3300 MHz and above, all deemed suitable for 5G. The auction is envisioned as technology-neutral, enabling the utilization of the spectrum for both 4G and 5G services, with the flexibility for relaxed roll-out conditions.

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In addition to the recent allocation in the 700 MHz band, the government has already assigned 2 x 30 MHz in the 2100 band to CMOs, and an additional 2 x 15 MHz is now made available for auction. In the 2300 band, 5 MHz has been assigned, leaving 95 MHz available. There is also 54 MHz available in the 2600 band, with 140 MHz currently under litigation, and efforts are underway to expedite its release. Three bands are considered most suitable for enhancing both 4G and the launch of 5G, while the remaining bands are viewed as optimal for Fixed Wireless Access (FWA). In the 3300-3600 band, 115 MHz is available for FWA, and 185 MHz has already been assigned.


To effectively manage the spectrum and make it available for newer applications such as 4G, 5G, broadband wireless access, and digital broadcasting, the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication has drafted a “Framework for Frequency Spectrum Re-farming.” This framework aims to dynamically manage and re-allocate spectrum where its current use is not ideal, ensuring it aligns with the latest international allocations and is consistent with the social and economic interests of Pakistan.


Under this framework, spectrum re-farming involves a combination of administrative, financial, and technical measures to remove existing frequency assignments either completely or partially from a particular band. This allows for the allocation of the frequency band to the same or different services, promoting efficient and strategic use of available spectrum resources.
