Elon Musk is embroiled in a new controversy after social media users on X (formerly Twitter) accused him of using a burner account under the name “Adrian Dittman” to defend himself. The account reportedly used a voice changer and actively participated in X Spaces, defending Musk and engaging in heated debates with critics.
A viral clip suggests that “Adrian Dittman” supported Musk during a Space, calling him “the only one to give these crackheads a voice.” The account also spoke about Musk in the first person, fueling suspicions that Musk himself is behind the alias. The situation escalated when the account allegedly banned users mocking it, further intensifying the controversy.
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While it’s common for celebrities to use alternate accounts to avoid public scrutiny, Musk’s alleged use of this burner account has sparked debates about self-promotion and manipulation. Critics have labeled it “beyond pathetic,” mocking Musk’s apparent need to defend himself anonymously.
Musk has yet to comment on the allegations, but the story continues to generate buzz, adding another chapter to his complicated relationship with social media.