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India Team up with Russia and China to Build Nuclear Plant on Moon

India Team up with Russia and China to Build Nuclear Plant on Moon

Russia’s atomic energy agency, Rosatom, plans to construct a lunar reactor with minimal human involvement, targeting deployment around 2036. Rosatom CEO Alexey Likhachev shared at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok that both India and China have expressed strong interest in the project. The reactor is designed to produce up to half a megawatt of power, crucial for supporting lunar base operations.

The planned lunar power plant will be part of the broader Chinese-Russian International Lunar Research Station (ILRS) initiative, aimed at establishing a research base on the Moon’s surface or in its orbit.

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This base will be open to global partners and will be operational between 2035 and 2045, providing a reliable power source during the Moon’s long nights when solar energy is inadequate.

Despite ongoing border disputes and historical tensions between India and China, their collaboration on this lunar project has surprised some.

India’s own space goals include setting up a space station by 2035 and launching a manned lunar mission by 2045.

India recently made headlines with a successful Moon landing and is preparing for its first manned space flight, scheduled for next year.
