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Meta Join Hands with Pakistan to Tackle Explicit Content Through ‘Take It Down’ Initiative

Meta Join Hands with Pakistan to Tackle Explicit Content Through 'Take It Down' Initiative

Pakistan has partnered with Meta to launch the “Take It Down” initiative, aimed at removing inappropriate images from social media platforms. The tool addresses issues like revenge porn, which has increasingly affected teenagers by damaging their mental health, reputation, and relationships.

Ayesha Raza from the National Commission on Child Rights announced that this agreement with Meta will facilitate the removal of such harmful content.

Read more: Meta Engages The Pakistani Facebook Community In Discussions About Responsible Content Creation

The initiative was discussed during a Senate Functional Committee on Human Rights meeting, which also covered other legislative matters.

Minister for Human Rights and Law Azam Nazeer Tarar highlighted ongoing efforts by various commissions within the Ministry of Human Rights.

The updated tool enables minors to report objectionable content and allows them to create a digital fingerprint for their sensitive photos.

This identifier is stored anonymously, and if someone tries to upload the same image, it will be detected and removed from Meta’s platforms.
