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Mind-control device for ordering food!

Mind-control device for ordering food!

Instead, users can have internal discussions in their heads, and the device transmits and receives data via bone conduction.
It’s like having a private discussion with yourself! The AlterEgo headset is ergonomically designed for comfort and provides a safe and non-intrusive way to engage with technology.
Arnav Kapur, a Delhi-based student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), has created an astonishing device called ‘AlterEgo,’ which is a specialized headset integrated with AI technology.

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This ground-breaking technology, unveiled in 2018, allows users to speak with machines, AI helpers, and even other people without saying a single word.
It enables people to converse naturally without using their voices or using visible movements.
The major goal of this research is to help those who have difficulty speaking, particularly those who have Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or Multiple Sclerosis.
They may converse and connect with others in an innovative way by using AlterEgo, giving them increased independence and autonomy.

