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PTA and GSMA Forge Cooperation Agreements at Mobile World Congress 2024

PTA and GSMA Forge Cooperation Agreements at Mobile World Congress 2024

The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and the GSM Association (GSMA) have officially established two collaborative agreements known as the Digital Cooperation Agreement and the Centre of Excellence. The signing ceremony took place at the Mobile World Congress 2024 held in Barcelona, Spain. This strategic collaboration is designed to actively contribute to and propel Pakistan’s digital transformation initiatives.


The primary objective of this collaboration is to fortify the foundations of Pakistan’s digital landscape. The GSMA, as a key partner, is committed to providing sustained support in enhancing crucial metrics such as the Mobile Connectivity Index (MCI) and the Digital Societies Index. These indices play a pivotal role in gauging the nation’s progress in the digital realm, and the concerted efforts under this partnership aim to elevate these indicators significantly.

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An integral facet of this collaboration is the concentrated effort towards fostering innovation within the telecommunications sector. Emphasis will be placed on driving advancements in pivotal areas such as 5G deployment, the Internet of Things (IoT), cybersecurity, and other emerging technologies. This forward-looking approach underscores the commitment to staying at the forefront of technological progress and ensuring that Pakistan is well-positioned in the global digital landscape.


Furthermore, the collaboration extends its purview to encompass critical societal aspects. One of the key focus areas is the advancement of women’s digital inclusion. Recognizing the importance of gender equality in the digital sphere, joint initiatives will be undertaken to bridge the digital gender gap and ensure that women have equal access to the benefits of the digital revolution. Additionally, the partnership is committed to addressing concerns related to child online protection, acknowledging the need for a secure digital environment for the younger generation.


The establishment of the Centre of Excellence is a significant stride in this collaboration. This dedicated center will serve as a hub for research, development, and knowledge-sharing in the realm of telecommunications and digital technologies. It will act as a catalyst for innovation, bringing together experts, industry leaders, and policymakers to collectively shape the trajectory of Pakistan’s digital future. The Centre of Excellence will play a pivotal role in fostering a conducive environment for the incubation of ideas, fostering a culture of continuous learning, and facilitating the dissemination of best practices within the digital ecosystem. As the Mobile World Congress serves as the backdrop for these momentous agreements, it amplifies the global significance of Pakistan’s commitment to digital excellence. The international stage provides a platform for showcasing Pakistan’s strides in digital transformation and positions the country as a proactive player in the global digital arena.
