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Robot Dogs Set to Bolster Ukraine’s Front-Line Defense

Ukraine is preparing to deploy robot dogs on the front lines, potentially replacing soldiers for dangerous tasks such as spying on Russian positions or detecting mines.

At a demonstration in an undisclosed location, a robot dog named “BAD One” showcased its capabilities by standing, crouching, running, and jumping on command, all controlled remotely by its operator.

Read more: Ukraine Incursion into Russia Prompts Declaration of a State of Emergency

These stealthy, agile robots are expected to become crucial assets for the Ukrainian army, which faces a shortage of personnel to counter the Russian invasion. The robot dogs’ low profile and thermal imaging capabilities make them ideal for inspecting enemy trenches and buildings in combat zones.

Operator “Yuri” explained that the robot dogs reduce the risk for human soldiers on reconnaissance missions and enhance operational efficiency. The demonstration model, which can operate for about two hours on a single charge, is designed to detect mines, carry up to seven kilograms (15 pounds) of supplies, and offer increased safety for troops. Although a more advanced model, “BAD Two,” was not displayed for security reasons, the current robot dogs are expected to make a significant impact on battlefield operations. In case of capture, an emergency switch allows for the erasure of all data from the robot dogs.
