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United Airlines to Offer Free WiFi through Elon Musk’s Starlink

United Airlines has announced a partnership with Elon Musk’s SpaceX to offer Starlink satellite-based WiFi service on its flights, starting in 2025. The service, which will be free for passengers, will allow them to connect multiple devices during flights. Testing is set to begin early next year, with a gradual rollout across United’s fleet of over 1,000 planes.

This move comes as airlines race to improve in-flight amenities, with United aiming to provide an internet experience comparable to being on the ground. Starlink will enable passengers to stay connected even over oceans and remote regions where traditional signals may be weak or unavailable. Other airlines, like Delta and Hawaiian Airlines, have also introduced free WiFi services, but United’s deployment will be more extensive.

Read more: Is Pakistan Considering Approval For Elon Musk’s Starlink Operations?

Although SpaceX is owned by the politically divisive figure Elon Musk, United considered the potential customer benefits as a priority when deciding to move forward with the deal. The airline aims to cater to modern passengers who increasingly expect free, reliable in-flight internet.
