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Virtual Offices for Social Media Companies in Pakistan

Virtual Offices for Social Media Companies in Pakistan

The disagreement between social media corporations and the Pakistani government over the reform of social media rules has been settled.

The Pakistani government and social media corporations have reached an agreement on updated social media guidelines. Virtual offices for social media businesses will be established in Pakistan.

According to MoITT officials, the federal government has finalised the updated social media guidelines. Instead of constructing offices in Pakistan, social media businesses would establish virtual offices.

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In the virtual offices, a representative from the social media businesses will be available 24 hours a day. The complaints of the Pakistani government would be prioritised by social media corporations.

The Social Media Rules Committee, according to officials, has split the objectionable information into three sections. The Red List contains the most sensitive content. The social media companies are obligated to remove the items on the red list immediately.

The content on the yellow list must be deleted within 72 hours of the complaint being filed. The content of regular complaints, according to officials, is maintained on the green list.

Officials have stated that no separate entity will be established to govern social media. Social media firms will be regulated by the PTA.

The Social Media Committee has opted to keep the recommended fines in the social media guidelines.
