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The COAS promises to bring Pakistan out of difficulties

The COAS promises to bring Pakistan out of difficulties

Ar’s Chief of Staff”Pakistan Army takes pride in serving its nation,” said the army commander, emphasizing the military’s commitment to the welfare of the people and the country.

On Monday, my Chief of Staff, Gen Asim Munir, pledged his full support to the Government of Pakistan’s ‘Green Pakistan Initiative’ and agricultural reforms.

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The Army Chief made the remarks while speaking to attendees at the inauguration ceremony of Khanewal Model Agriculture Farm, a flagship initiative of the Green Pakistan Initiative, on Monday.

“The army belonged to the people, and the people belonged to the army,” COAS remarked, emphasizing the close relationship between the military and civilians. Gen. Munir stated, “We have decided to lead Pakistan out of the current crisis.” In addressing the nation’s virtues, he lauded Pakistanis for their pride, self-esteem, and competence, while also acknowledging the nation’s ability to overcome adversities.

In response to the current economic difficulties, the army chief stated, “All Pakistanis have collectively rejected the beggar’s bowl.” COAS Munir expressed gratitude for the country’s blessings, saying, “Allah has bestowed Pakistan with numerous gifts.”

The army chief remarked, drawing attention to Pakistan’s potential for improvement, that “no external force can obstruct our journey toward advancement.”

He expressed his conviction in the nation’s ability to excel in all areas.

COAS Munir praised the government’s agricultural uplift programs, expressing optimism in the transformation of Pakistan’s agricultural landscape, stating, “Pakistan will witness an agricultural revolution, Insha’Allah.”

During the occasion, the army chief evoked Allama Iqbal’s poetic wisdom, emphasizing the importance of his words in directing the nation’s course.




