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Today’s weather update for Karachi

Today's weather update for Karachi

Karachi, the financial capital of Pakistan, will likely have cloudy and breezy weather today, with showers in some areas later in the afternoon. The Pakistan Meteorological Department indicates strong winds and coastal drizzle, while AccuWeather predicts around 1mm of light showers.

The temperatures range from a minimum of 27 degrees Celsius to a maximum of 29 degrees Celsius. The southwest wind speed is expected to be 26 km/h, with humidity exceeding 71 percent, creating a humid atmosphere. The UV Index is moderate at 3, and cloud cover is around 83 percent, with visibility at approximately 2.0 km.

Read more : Karachi weather forecast

On Tuesday, the air quality in Karachi worsened to a level of 112, posing health risks for sensitive groups, including difficulty breathing and throat irritation with prolonged exposure.
