Indian actress and reality TV star Rakhi Sawant, known for her bold and candid personality, recently made headlines by expressing her unwavering support for Pakistan. During a conversation with Murtaza Views, Rakhi declared her deep affection for her Pakistani fans, vowing to stand by them no matter the circumstances.
With over two decades in the entertainment industry, Rakhi also discussed a recent fallout with fellow performer Nora Fatehi.
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Sawant, who was supposed to perform with Fatehi at an event, voiced her disappointment over Fatehi’s unexpected absence, especially after agreeing to a higher payment for the show. Rakhi felt this was a sign of unprofessionalism on Fatehi’s part.
However, it was her remarks about Pakistan that garnered the most attention. Rakhi expressed her loyalty to her Pakistani fanbase, saying, “I am super loyal to Pakistan, and I will never allow anyone to speak ill of them.” She also acknowledged the tremendous admiration and financial support she has received from her Pakistani fans throughout her career.
Rakhi Sawant’s allegiance to Pakistan is not a new stance, as she has consistently spoken about the love and respect she holds for her fans from across the border.