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Twitter (X) Introducing Audio and Video Calls Feature

Twitter (X) Introducing Audio and Video Calls Feature

Twitter, now referred to as X, has repeatedly expressed its intentions to introduce audio and video call features in the past.

However, these plans were consistently delayed or abandoned before coming to fruition. Yet, it appears that we are now on the brink of finally experiencing these features.

Elon Musk, the owner of X, recently announced that audio and video calls will soon become available on both phones and computers. This functionality will be compatible with various devices including Android, iOS, Windows, and MacOS. Interestingly, Musk mentioned that these calls will not necessitate the use of phone numbers. Instead, X will act as a global address book utilizing usernames for contact identification. Musk noted that this combination of features is unique.

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While Musk did not provide a specific launch date for these features, he assured users that they are “coming.” This statement leaves room for anticipation and suggests that the release may be imminent.

It’s important to mention that X has discussed the possibility of audio and video calls before. Just last month, the company’s designer shared screenshots that showcased the upcoming feature’s interface. In these images, the direct message (DM) section of X will display a phone receiver icon in the top right corner once the feature is active. Tapping on this icon will offer users the option to initiate either an audio call or a video call.

When engaging in a video call, the user interface will follow a standard layout. It will feature a picture-in-picture screen that displays the user’s own video feed alongside the contact’s video. Additionally, buttons for ending the call, toggling the camera, muting the microphone, and adjusting the speaker settings will be available.

It’s worth noting that the final version of this feature may undergo further refinements and adjustments before its official release.
