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UK’s Top Advisory Committee Advises Against Discontinuing Graduate Visa

UK's Top Advisory Committee Advises Against Discontinuing Graduate Visa

Despite the government’s efforts to curb immigration and dissuade international students, the Migration Advisory Committee, the country’s top advisory body, has recommended against discontinuing the Graduate Visa route (post-study visa).

Tasked by the government to review the visas, the committee has concluded that there is insufficient evidence to suggest widespread abuse of the post-study visa by international students.

Highlighting the significance of the visa, the committee recommended its continuation, noting that it plays a crucial role in attracting students to the UK. Furthermore, it cautioned that ending the visa could lead to financial losses for universities, resulting in potential course cuts.

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Given the growing reliance of universities on international student fees, the committee emphasized the vital contribution of these students to covering teaching and research expenses. In particular, courses in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects, which are typically costly to run, could be adversely affected if the visa were to be terminated.

The report by the Migration Advisory Committee underscores the importance of the Graduate Visa route in maintaining the financial viability of universities and ensuring the availability of diverse courses for both domestic and international students.

Despite earlier government measures aimed at reducing migration and limiting international student numbers, the recent findings by the committee suggest a potential shift in policy direction. While the government had sought to review the visa route as part of its broader immigration strategy, it now appears inclined to consider the committee’s recommendations carefully before making any changes.
