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UN Chief Urges Ban on Fossil Fuel Ads to Combat Climate Change

UN Chief Urges Ban on Fossil Fuel Ads to Combat Climate Change

UN Secretary General António Guterres issued a scathing rebuke of fossil fuel industries, likening them to “godfathers of climate chaos” and advocating for a ban on their advertising, similar to the prohibition on tobacco advertising due to health concerns.

Guterres highlighted the urgent need for action as new studies indicated an accelerating rate of global warming, with record-breaking temperatures becoming increasingly common.

While the EU’s climate service reported a continuous string of record-setting months in global temperatures, Guterres emphasized the underlying human-induced climate change driving this trend.

He urged swift political action and a crackdown on fossil fuel industries, accusing them of obstructing progress through lobbying, legal actions, and extensive advertising campaigns.

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In response, representatives from fossil fuel groups reaffirmed commitments to emission reductions but faced skepticism from environmental campaigners.

While Guterres’ call for a ban on fossil fuel advertising lacks legal standing, it garnered support from advocates who have long opposed sponsorships and advertising from such companies.

The urgency of addressing climate change was underscored by recent deadly heatwaves and floods, with global temperatures already 1.63°C above pre-industrial levels.

Although the Paris climate agreement aims to limit temperature rises to below 1.5°C, a new study warned of the world’s proximity to breaching this threshold, emphasizing the critical need for immediate emissions reductions.

Despite some progress in renewable energy growth, greenhouse gas emissions remain at record highs, necessitating swift and substantial reductions to avoid catastrophic climate impacts.

As every fraction of a degree of warming exacerbates climate-related challenges, urgent and decisive action is imperative to mitigate the worst effects of climate change.
