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US Urges Pakistan To Respect People Basic Rights Following UN Report On Imran Khan

US Urges Pakistan To Respect People Basic Rights Following UN Report On Imran Khan

After a United Nations body criticized the detention of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan as politically motivated, the US State Department called on Pakistan to uphold fundamental basic rights. Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel stated that US officials, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Assistant Secretary Donald Lu, and Ambassador Donald Blome, have consistently urged Pakistan, both publicly and privately, to respect its people’s rights in accordance with its constitution and international obligations.

The remarks followed a US House of Representatives resolution calling for an investigation into the February 8 elections, though Patel declined to comment specifically on pending congressional legislation, emphasizing the importance of basic rights.

Read more: UN Urges Immediate Release of Imran Khan

“We urge the Pakistani government to respect human basic rights, including freedom of expression, association, peaceful assembly, and religion,” Patel said.

The State Department’s comments came after the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention in Geneva deemed Khan’s detention unlawful under international law, urging his immediate release and compensation. The group described Khan’s legal troubles as part of a broader crackdown against him and his party, alleging arrests, torture, and disruptions during the 2024 elections, along with widespread electoral fraud.

Detention of Imran Khan is considered an internal issue

The State Department reaffirmed that Imran Khan’s detention was an internal issue for Pakistan.

Regarding concerns about the credibility of Pakistani elections and allegations of significant rigging, Patel emphasized that the US remained attentive to this issue and continued to discuss it with Pakistani counterparts.
