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US vetoes in support of Israel, United Nation resolution in support of Palestine fails

A United Nations resolution in support of Palestine faced failure, as the United States, a staunch ally of Israel, wielded its veto power against a draft led by Brazil. This move has elicited strong reactions from the Muslim world.

The U.S. defended its action, arguing that the resolution did not recognize Israel’s right to self-defense, although the resolution’s primary aim was to secure humanitarian pauses in the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict, facilitating unrestricted access for aid to Gaza.

The United Nations Security Council convened on Wednesday to vote on this resolution, presented by Council President Brazil. A total of 12 Council members supported the resolution, with Russia and the UK abstaining. This marked the second instance where the UNSC failed to adopt a resolution pertaining to the Middle East situation.

Previously, the Security Council had rejected a resolution sponsored by Russia, which sought a humanitarian ceasefire.

The recent resolution also underscored the need for humanitarian pauses to ensure unfettered access for UN humanitarian agencies and their operational partners.

In the midst of widespread condemnation, the UN Ambassador noted that the Security Council’s meeting coincided with the visit of U.S. President Joe Biden to Tel Aviv. This visit underscores the United States’ high-level commitment to preventing the escalation of the conflict and addressing the humanitarian crisis.
