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Violent Incidents Rock Faisalabad District: Two Dead, One Injured


The Faisalabad district witnessed a series of shootings on Sunday, resulting in two deaths and one injury. Investigations are ongoing into all three incidents.

In the first incident in Buchiana, three suspects shot and injured a landlord during a robbery attempt. The suspects allegedly stole a motorcycle from a constable and then attempted to rob Muhammad Akbar, a local landowner. Akbar resisted, leading to a physical altercation in which he was shot and injured by the suspects. Villagers working in the fields heard the gunfire, surrounded the suspects, and restrained them. Both Nankana Saddar Police Station and Buchiana police station personnel arrived at the scene, where a conflict between the two police teams occurred over custody of the suspects. Ultimately, one suspect was handed over to Buchiana police, and two others were arrested by Nankana Saddar police.

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The ages of the three arrested suspects ranged from 10 to 15 years, and despite their youth, they were found to be boldly armed and involved in daylight robberies. They were apprehended by villagers, who then handed them over to the police after allegedly torturing them.

In Jaranwala, a 40-year-old man named Ashfaq was gunned down in an apparent act of revenge due to enmity. Hasnain Imtiaz and four other suspects allegedly shot Ashfaq as he passed through a street. Despite being rushed to the hospital, Ashfaq succumbed to his injuries on the way. Police took his body into custody and initiated action against the suspected shooters.

The incident in Jaranwala appears to be linked to a prior conflict, as the victim had reportedly killed an associate of the accused in a case registered with Saddar Jaranwala police station. Due to this enmity, the victim had relocated to Ghulam Rasool Colony, where he was ultimately targeted and killed by his opponents.

Additionally, in a separate incident, a woman was injured by a stray bullet.
