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Weather Forecast for Karachi

Weather Forecast for Karachi

Karachi Weather Update :The city of Karachi is expected to experience cloudy conditions due to weak moist currents moving from the Bay of Bengal into northern regions of Pakistan.

Rain Forecast for Karachi
The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) anticipates humid weather accompanied by dust-raising winds in southeastern districts, including Karachi. Chances of light drizzle are minimal.

Today’s Temperature in Karachi
The lowest temperature recorded is 30 degrees Celsius, with a potential high of 32 degrees Celsius. Wind coming from the southwest is projected to travel at a speed of 24 kilometers per hour.

Air Quality in Karachi
Karachi’s air quality index registered at 71 on Saturday, indicating elevated pollution levels that are detrimental to sensitive individuals. Experts recommend limiting outdoor activities if experiencing symptoms like breathing difficulties or throat irritation.

According to PMD, weak moist currents from the Arabian Sea will move into northern regions, resulting in predominantly warm and humid conditions across most plains in the country.
