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Why Does Water Boil at a Lower Temperature in Murree?

Why Does Water Boil at a Lower Temperature in Murree?

Water typically boils at 100 degrees Celsius (or 212 degrees Fahrenheit) under normal conditions. However, in places like Murree, which are situated at high altitudes, the boiling point of water is lower. This might sound a bit strange, but it’s because of the changes in atmospheric pressure as you move higher up into the mountains.

Murree, a lovely hill station in Pakistan, is perched at an elevation of around 2,291 meters (about 7,516 feet) above sea level. At this height, the air pressure is lower than it is at sea level. You can think of air pressure as the weight of all the air above you. As you climb higher, there’s less air above you, so the pressure decreases.

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Now, here’s where the science comes into play. The boiling point of water isn’t a fixed number; it can change depending on the pressure. In Murree, with its lower atmospheric pressure due to the high altitude, water doesn’t need to get as hot as 100 degrees Celsius to start bubbling and turning into steam. Instead, it happens at a slightly lower temperature, typically around 95 to 98 degrees Celsius.

So, in simple terms, water boils at a lower temperature in Murree because the air is thinner up there, and that affects how hot it needs to get to start boiling. It’s one of the cool and surprising things about science that you can experience in everyday life, especially when you’re exploring the beautiful mountains of Murree.
