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Afghanistan Suffocates Under Taliban Rule: Women and Culture Crushed by Repressive Regime

Afghanistan Suffocates Under Taliban Rule: Women and Culture Crushed by Repressive Regime

Kabul, Afghanistan – Since the Taliban’s takeover in August 2021, Afghanistan has been thrust into an era of unprecedented oppression. The new regime has imposed severe restrictions, particularly on women, who now find their basic rights to work, education, and freedom of movement suffocated under draconian policies.

Stripped of their liberties, Afghan women face a bleak future, their roles in society nearly erased, with every aspect of their lives meticulously controlled.

Read more: Taliban Prohibits Women from Singing and Reading in Public

The cultural landscape of Afghanistan is also under siege. The Taliban’s rigid ideology has obliterated artistic and cultural expression, stamping out music, film, and creativity.

Historical and cultural treasures are at risk as the regime’s extreme policies threaten their very existence, marking a devastating blow to the nation’s rich heritage.

This crackdown has sparked global outrage, as Afghanistan descends further into darkness under the Taliban’s iron-fisted rule.

The people of Afghanistan are now trapped in a relentless cycle of repression and despair, with the future looking increasingly grim.
