Hollywood actress and humanitarian Angelina Jolie has used her Instagram platform to speak out about the ongoing crisis in Gaza. The actress, known for her advocacy on humanitarian issues, expressed her concerns regarding the tragic situation that has been unfolding in the region.
In a heartfelt post, Jolie described the dire circumstances in Gaza, stating, “This is the deliberate bombing of a trapped population who have nowhere to flee. Gaza has been an open-air prison for nearly two decades and is fast becoming a mass grave. 40% of those killed are innocent children. Whole families are being murdered.”
The actress went on to highlight the collective punishment and dehumanization of Palestinian civilians, including children, women, and families. She pointed out that, despite international laws, the people of Gaza are suffering due to the denial of essential resources such as food, medicine, and humanitarian aid.
Jolie did not hold back in her criticism of world leaders, accusing them of complicity in the ongoing crisis. She emphasized that by not demanding a humanitarian ceasefire and obstructing the UN Security Council from imposing one on both parties, these leaders are effectively supporting what she described as “crimes” being committed in the region.
The actress’s post has garnered significant attention and has sparked discussions regarding the ongoing conflict in Gaza, as well as the global response to the crisis. Angelina Jolie’s advocacy on this pressing issue further underscores the importance of international awareness and action in addressing the situation in Gaza.