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Canada Unveils Stringent Measures to Reduce Job Opportunities for Foreign Workers

Canada Unveils Stringent Measures to Reduce Job Opportunities for Foreign Workers

These changes to Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) reflect the government’s response to evolving economic conditions and aim to strike a balance between meeting labor market needs and ensuring the integrity of the immigration system.

The decision to revert the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) validity period back to 6 months, effective May 1st, 2024, signals a recognition of a more stabilized job market, with job vacancies diminishing and unemployment rates improving. By shortening the validity period, the government aims to ensure that employers actively search for Canadian or permanent resident workers before turning to the temporary foreign worker option.

Also Read: Norway Relaxes Criteria for Expats Seeking Permanent Residency

The adjustment to the cap on low-wage TFWP workers, reducing it back to 20% for most sectors while retaining a higher cap of 30% for the construction and healthcare sectors, reflects a nuanced approach to addressing sector-specific labor needs. This change acknowledges the ongoing challenges faced by certain industries while maintaining a focus on prioritizing Canadian workers.

Minister Miller’s emphasis on the broader context of these changes, particularly within the context of Canada’s immigration system as a whole, highlights the government’s commitment to managing the overall composition of temporary residents within the country. By aiming to reduce the proportion of temporary residents to 5% of the population over the next three years, the government seeks to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of Canada’s immigration policies.

Overall, these modifications demonstrate Canada’s proactive approach to managing its labor market and immigration system in response to changing economic dynamics and evolving societal needs.
