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Controversy Erupts in Saudi Arabia Over Girls Smoking Shisha During National Day Celebrations

Controversy Erupts in Saudi Arabia Over Girls Smoking Shisha During National Day Celebrations

A recent controversy has ignited in Saudi Arabia following the emergence of videos depicting girls celebrating Saudi National Day by smoking shisha and singing.

These videos, which quickly spread across social media platforms, have sparked a heated debate among users regarding the appropriateness of such activities during a significant national celebration.

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Critics of the videos argue that the girls’ actions are disrespectful to the country’s traditions and values, suggesting that they undermine the spirit of National Day. Many believe that such behavior should not be tolerated during a time meant for honoring national pride and cultural heritage.

Conversely, defenders of the girls argue that their actions represent a form of personal expression and reflect the evolving cultural norms within the kingdom. They assert that such celebrations highlight the gradual shift towards modern lifestyles among the younger generation in Saudi Arabia.

This incident underscores the ongoing tensions between traditional values and modernity in the kingdom, as society grapples with the balance between cultural preservation and individual freedom.

As the debate continues, it remains to be seen how this incident will influence discussions around youth culture and national identity in Saudi Arabia.
