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Digital Genocide of Gaza: From TV Screens to Real-Time Experience for All

The ongoing crisis in Gaza isn’t just confined to television screens; it’s an immersive and real-time experience for everyone, plunging us into the unfiltered and relentless violence inflicted upon the Palestinians residing in a small 140 square mile area, which they currently call home.

Read more:Angelina Jolie Addresses Gaza Genocide on Instagram

This unsettling reality, magnified by corporate media’s biased coverage, raises critical concerns not just for journalistic ethics but also for our existential outlook. The continuous exposure to distressing imagery from Gaza is leading to a perilous normalization, where viewers on all sides are growing desensitized to the harrowing scenes of Palestinian suffering, diluting the gravity of a tragedy that should evoke universal empathy.

Remarkably, these are images that major Western newspapers would have shunned a decade or more ago. Instead of provoking alarm, visuals of death and destruction are now casually shared, scrolled past, and circulated with a disturbingly mechanical routine, a troubling indication of our evolving social landscape.

Describing the situation as dystopian would fall short; it has transcended that descriptor entirely. The ongoing genocide in Gaza, often referred to as Gaza 2.0, challenges the very essence of humanity. If likened to an episode of ‘Black Mirror,’ the appalling reflection of our collective trajectory would leave us all aghast at the potential fate of our world.

However, this isn’t mere observation; we are active participants in this digital catastrophe, endangering our humanity with every click and post. Instead of detachedly witnessing apocalyptic fiction on large screens, we are enmeshed in a grim reality unfolding on the handheld screens of our devices.

We find ourselves trapped in a disheartening world order where the casual scroll past images of death has become an eerie and routine part of our daily existence—a reality that challenges the very core of our humanity.
