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Indian PM Calls UN to Rethink Priorities in 21st Century

Indian PM Calls UN to Rethink Priorities in 21st Century

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is urging the United Nations to adapt to 21st-century realities to ensure the representation of influential voices, as reported in a recent interview.

Modi, who will host the G20 summit beginning on September 9, emphasized the inadequacy of a “mid-20th century approach” in today’s world. As the leader of the world’s most populous nation and a candidate for permanent membership in the UN Security Council, Modi seeks to enhance India’s global standing and advocate for issues like addressing unsustainable debt on the international stage through the G20 platform.

In the interview, Modi reiterated his support for the African Union’s full membership in the G20. The upcoming two-day G20 summit will feature an impressive guest list, including US President Joe Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

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Modi stressed the need for international institutions to adapt to evolving realities and reassess their priorities, emphasizing the importance of representing a diverse range of voices. He also highlighted the positive impact of India’s G20 presidency on developing countries.

Furthermore, Modi pointed out that India’s G20 leadership has fostered the understanding that anti-inflation policies in one nation can affect others. Inflation disproportionately affects India’s poorer population, with economists predicting persistent price increases above the central bank’s 6% limit until at least October, according to a Reuters poll.

Modi also called for global collaboration in combating cybercrime, emphasizing the potential consequences for the social fabric of nations when terrorists exploit dark nets, metaverse, and cryptocurrencies to pursue malicious objectives.

