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Israel plans to construct a new Jewish temple at the site of Al Aqsa.

Some nationalist Jews want to restore their temple in Jerusalem’s Old City, at a location at the centre of Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with imported sacrificial cows, antiquated songs, and rising support.

A group of choristers were preparing for the time they would celebrate the rebuilding of the Jewish temple, which will, in their opinion, hasten the advent of the messiah, some 2,000 years after it was destroyed, in a Tel Aviv suburb.

However, for others, achieving their objective would greatly exacerbate tensions in the area of the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in east Jerusalem, which Israel has seized.

The Orthodox Jewish group asserts that its members are decedents of the historical Tribe of Levi, who sang hymns and other music at the sacred location.

The 1987-founded institute’s mission is to rehabilitate the historical temple.

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