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Israeli Forces Arrest UN Convoy in Gaza

Israeli Forces Arrest UN Convoy in Gaza

On Monday, Israeli forces detained a UN convoy led by the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) for over eight hours, according to UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini. The convoy, which included both national and international staff, was heading to northern Gaza for a polio vaccination campaign when it was halted at gunpoint near the Wadi Gaza checkpoint.

Lazzarini reported that the Israeli forces threatened to detain the UN staff and caused significant damage to the convoy’s armored vehicles using bulldozers.

Read more: Israel-Gaza Conflict: Southern Gaza Attack Kills Dozens

This incident occurred despite prior coordination with Israeli authorities. Eventually, all staff and vehicles were released and returned safely to the UN base.

The delay has raised concerns about whether the planned polio vaccination campaign for Gaza City and northern Gaza will proceed as scheduled. Lazzarini noted that this incident reflects a broader pattern of violations against UN staff, including past instances of convoy shootings and checkpoint arrests by the Israeli military, despite prior notifications.

He emphasized that UN personnel must be able to perform their humanitarian duties safely, in accordance with international humanitarian law.

Israel’s ongoing military actions in Gaza have led to significant casualties and destruction, with local health authorities reporting over 41,100 deaths and nearly 94,800 injuries, mostly affecting women and children.

Israel’s military actions in Gaza have also faced international criticism and accusations of genocide before the International Court of Justice.
