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Kashmiris Mark 15 August as Black Day, Calling for a Plebiscite to Address Indian Occupation

Kashmiris Mark 15 August as Black Day, Calling for a Plebiscite to Address Indian Occupation

Kashmiris are observing Black Day today to protest India’s 77th Independence Day, denouncing the ongoing illegal occupation of their territory. Hurriyat leaders have called for marking the day as Black Day to highlight New Delhi’s unlawful control over Jammu and Kashmir.

Several APHC leaders, including Shabbir Shah, Nayeem Ahmed, and Masarrat Aalam Butt, are imprisoned in New Delhi’s Tihar Jail for advocating self-determination.

Read more: Youm-e-Istehsal: Pakistan Supports Kashmiri Brethren Against Indian Abuses

They argue that India has no legitimate basis to celebrate its Independence Day in Jammu and Kashmir, as its presence there breaches international laws and UN resolutions.

Kashmiri leaders reaffirmed their commitment to pushing for the long-promised plebiscite and expressed hope for a future of freedom.

They also urged residents of Indian-occupied Kashmir to strongly protest on August 15, condemning India’s failure to address the Kashmir issue and the severe repression in the region.
