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Nicolae Goia, Romanian Ambassador, has died.

Nicolae Goia, Romanian Ambassador, has died.

ISLAMABAD, JUNE 24 – Nicolae Goia, Romania’s ambassador to Pakistan, died on Sunday, June 24, 2023. He had been in Pakistan for the previous five years.

He had already served his sentence, but his stay in Pakistan was extended due to health concerns. He was undergoing cancer treatment after being diagnosed while serving in Pakistan.

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Ambassador Nicolae Goia was a top Romanian diplomat who had just returned from Pakistan. He was set to complete his diplomatic career and retire from the military.

During his term in Pakistan, Ambassador Nicolae Goia made significant contributions to the promotion of Pakistani and Romanian bilateral relations, and a number of agreements were struck between the two countries.

During his tenure in Pakistan, a number of high-level delegations visited Pakistan, and high-level delegations from Pakistan visited Romania. The diplomatic community in Islamabad has expressed deep grief and sorrow over the sad demise of Ambassador Nicolae Goia, who was widely respected in the diplomatic community for his professionalism and easygoing personality.

Ambassador Nicolae Goia recently attended an Azerbaijan reception in Islamabad, which served as his final diplomatic assignment.

The dean of diplomatic crops informed the entire diplomatic community of the death of Romanian Ambassador in a communication.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in contact with the Romanian embassy.
