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Rawwan al-Duwaik First Down Syndrome Girl in the World to Memorize the Holy Quran

Rawwan al-Duwaik First Down Syndrome Girl in the World to Memorize the Holy Quran

Rawwan al-Duwaik, a Jordanian girl with Down syndrome, has captivated the world by becoming the first memorizer of the Holy Quran with her condition. Her remarkable achievement has garnered attention on social media platforms, where her pictures have been widely circulated.


In an interview with the Turkish news agency Anatolia, Rawwan’s mother, Awatef Jaber, expressed her pride and joy in her daughter’s accomplishment. Rawwan, despite her incurable condition, has always held the Quran close to her heart, considering it her life.

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According to her mother, Rawwan’s intelligence was evident from a young age. She quickly memorized the shortest surahs of the Quran when her mother began teaching her. Rawwan excelled in school and progressed to the seventh grade with the help of her mother’s guidance, but eventually chose to discontinue her formal education.

Rawwan’s journey of Quranic memorization began when her mother took her to a center where Quranic recitation was taught. Despite her initial reluctance, Rawwan surprised everyone by memorizing the first part of Surah Al-Baqarah alongside her mother. Her unique method of memorization involved writing, and she dedicated a year and a half to memorizing Surat Al-Baqarah, achieving full marks in her exam and expressing gratitude to God through prostration.

Over the course of seven years, Rawwan diligently continued her Quranic memorization journey, culminating in her completion of the Quran on the 29th of Ramadan in 2021. Her mother emphasized Rawwan’s exceptional intelligence and precise pronunciation as key factors in her success, attributing her memorization to the grace of God and referring to her as the “Crown of Dignity.”

Rawwan proudly asserts that she reads the Quran three times a day and has committed it to memory for life. Her dedication and devotion to the Quran serve as an inspiration to many, proving that determination and faith can overcome any obstacle.
