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There is no evidence. Covid was produced in a Chinese laboratory, according to US intelligence.

There is no evidence. Covid was produced in a Chinese laboratory, according to US intelligence

According to the head of US intelligence, there is no indication that the Covid-19 virus was generated in the Chinese government’s Wuhan research lab.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) stated in a declassified report that they had no information to back up recent accusations that three scientists at the facility were among the first to be infected with Covid-19 and may have produced the virus themselves.

The ODNI report stated that certain scientists at the Wuhan lab had done genetic engineering of coronaviruses comparable to Covid-19, based on intelligence obtained by multiple member agencies of the US intelligence community (IC).

The US, on the other hand, “has no information” that they had done such work on the specific Covid-9 virus identified as SARS-CoV-2, or on any “close progenitor, or a backbone virus that is closely related enough to have been the source of the pandemic.”

The study, written for Congress and included an unreleased secret annexe, was released three months after legislators demanded a more detailed explanation of US intelligence’s evidence on the origins of the pandemic that exploded at the end of 2019.

Some MPs claim that the virus was generated as a result of Wuhan’s so-called gain-of-function genetic engineering research, and that Beijing covered up proof that it was a man-made sickness.

Reiterating a March finding, the ODNI report stated that “almost all” of its constituent agencies, including the NSA, CIA, and FBI, believe Covid-19 was not genetically created and that it was not laboratory-adapted.

However, as in March, the ODNI report did not rule out the likelihood that Covid-19 was being examined in the Wuhan lab at the time and may have spilled out due to carelessness.

According to the ODNI, the intelligence community is split on whether the pandemic was caused by a natural occurrence of the virus — maybe transmitted via animals such as bats — or by a lab leak.

According to the article, the Wuhan lab collaborated with the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) on pathogen research and vaccine production “for public health needs.”The coronaviruses used in this study, however, “were too distantly related to have resulted in the creation of SARS-CoV-2,” according to the article.

It categorically denied that the PLA developed Covid-19 as a bioweapon.

The ODNI report addressed the allegation that three scientists working on coronaviruses at the Wuhan site contracted Covid-19 around the time of the epidemic.

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According to the report, US intelligence discovered that some Wuhan researchers became “mildly” unwell in the autumn of 2019.

Some of their symptoms were consistent with Covid-19, but others were not, according to the report.

It further stated that US intelligence did not know if people who grew ill worked with live viruses.

“The IC continues to assess that this information neither supports nor refutes either hypothesis of the pandemic’s origins because the researchers’ symptoms could have been caused by a number of diseases,” it stated.
