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UN Chief Urges Donor Support for UNRWA Amidst Funding Suspension Over Hamas Allegations

UN Chief Urges Donor Support for UNRWA Amidst Funding Suspension Over Hamas Allegations

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has issued a plea to donor countries, urging them to ensure the continuation of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) operations. This appeal comes in the wake of several nations suspending their funding to the agency, accusing some UNRWA staff of involvement in Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel.

Israel has alleged that multiple UNRWA employees were implicated in the attack, prompting key donor countries, including the United States, Britain, Canada, and Switzerland, to halt their financial contributions. The accusations led to the dismissal of several UNRWA staff, and the agency has committed to conducting a thorough investigation.

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Guterres expressed understanding of the concerns raised by donor countries, acknowledging his own horror at the accusations. However, he emphasized the importance of ensuring the continuity of UNRWA’s operations to meet the dire needs of the populations it serves. The Secretary-General highlighted that while the alleged actions of some staff members should have consequences, the tens of thousands of humanitarian workers facing dangerous situations should not be penalized.

The dispute between Israel and UNRWA follows a recent ruling by the UN’s International Court of Justice, which called on Israel to prevent potential acts of genocide in the conflict and allow more aid into Gaza.

Guterres confirmed that 12 UNRWA employees were cited in the accusations, with nine terminated, one deceased, and the identity of the remaining two under clarification. Israel’s envoy to the UN criticized Guterres, accusing him of disregarding evidence of UNRWA’s involvement in “incitement and terrorism.”

Hamas, the Islamist group responsible for the October 7 attack, condemned Israeli “threats” against UNRWA, urging international organizations not to succumb to “threats and blackmail.” The attack resulted in approximately 1,140 deaths in Israel, mostly civilians, and the seizure of around 250 hostages, with some still held in Gaza.

As the controversy unfolds, Guterres’ plea for donor support aims to ensure that the vital humanitarian work of UNRWA continues despite the challenges posed by the funding suspension and ongoing investigations.

Please note that the content has been synthesized from the provided articles, and some details might be paraphrased for clarity.
