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Woman Kills Boyfriend for Posting her Private Videos

In Bihar, India, a woman and her family have been arrested for murdering her boyfriend, Jay Prakash, after he leaked her explicit video online. Lalitha Kumari, the woman involved, orchestrated the attack, which was carried out with a knife by her family members.

Prakash and Lalitha had been in a relationship, but recent tensions arose when Prakash suspected Lalitha of infidelity. An argument ensued, and Lalitha lured him to a relative’s house under the guise of discussing marriage, where the attack took place. Prakash’s body was later found in a bag by the roadside.

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Police are investigating the case, with Lalitha, her father, brothers, and some relatives being named suspects. Some have fled, and CCTV footage of the body disposal has been obtained. The leaked video was a key factor in the crime, which deeply disturbed Lalitha and her family.
