Karachi police registered a case on Sunday in response to an attack on the office of a PTI-affiliated independent candidate in Azizabad. The incident targeted Arsalan Khalid, who is contesting for NA-248 in the upcoming general elections. A video posted on X by the party claimed that “MQM goons” were responsible for the attack. In the video, Khalid was shown with a head injury, and other individuals present were reportedly injured while valuables were damaged.
PTI Secretary General Omar Ayub Khan held MQM (Muttahida Qaumi Movement) responsible for the attack, stating that it demonstrated MQM’s reliance on violence. Senior Superintendent Police (SSP) Central Faisal Abdullah Chachar confirmed that police had taken notice and filed a First Information Report (FIR) under relevant sections of the law related to riots and injuries.
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The FIR, available with Dawn.com, cited sections such as acts done in furtherance of common intention, punishment for rioting, every member of unlawful assembly guilty of an offense, punishment of shajjah (hurt), and criminal intimidation.
The complaint, lodged by Khalid, implicated around “100-200” individuals. The Azizabad Police station Head clarified that the police were not informed about the gathering, which was not considered a political or election-related event, and therefore, no security measures were in place. The FIR did not specify individuals or party workers as suspects, and no arrests had been made at the time of the report.