Following the tremendous success of the first two installments of ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa,’ the filmmakers are gearing up for the third part, featuring Kartik Aaryan in the lead role. Adding to the excitement, the OG Manjulika, Vidya Balan, has been roped in for the upcoming installment.
Director Anees Bazmee, currently recovering from an injury, expressed his enthusiasm for the project, stating, “We are all excited to start work on the film very soon. I have hurt myself, so I am currently resting at home.”
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Shedding light on the decision to bring back Vidya Balan alongside Kartik Aaryan, Bazmee revealed, “The way we ended ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2,’ we thought let us do something new and the first name that came to my mind was Vidya Balan. Isn’t the combination good?”
Vidya Balan, a longtime friend of Anees Bazmee, readily agreed to reprise her role as Manjulika. Bazmee shared, “She immediately agreed. Besides, she is a friend and quite enthusiastic. Enthu hokar kaam karenge.” The collaboration of Kartik Aaryan and Vidya Balan is anticipated to bring a fresh and exciting dimension to the next chapter of ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa.’