The caretaker Interior Minister Gohar Ijaz, accompanied by Information Minister Murtaza Solangi, held a press conference on Friday to address allegations of state-sponsored rigging during the recent general elections. Denying such claims, Ijaz emphasized the government’s neutrality throughout the election process, citing the election results as evidence.
He defended the decision to suspend internet and mobile phone services during the polling process, attributing it to security concerns following terrorist attacks. The interior minister revealed that 56 security incidents were reported on election day, necessitating emergency measures to ensure public safety.
Regarding the suspension of mobile services, Ijaz clarified that it was a preemptive security measure due to intelligence reports of potential terrorist incidents. He acknowledged the difficulty of the decision but emphasized its importance in safeguarding lives.
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Paying tribute to the security forces and fallen personnel, Ijaz commended their efforts in maintaining security during the elections. He asserted that despite challenges, the election process was conducted peacefully with collaboration from all institutions.
Information Minister Murtaza Solangi echoed Ijaz’s sentiments, emphasizing the peaceful nature of the elections and the caretaker government’s commitment to ensuring a tranquil electoral process.
The decision to suspend cellular services nationwide was defended as essential for maintaining law and order in the wake of recent militant attacks. However, the move faced criticism from Amnesty International and political stakeholders, particularly the PTI, which relied heavily on social media for its electoral campaign.