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Public Confidence in Imran Evident Through High Voter Turnout: PTI

Public Confidence in Imran Evident Through High Voter Turnout: PTI

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has expressed gratitude to the people for their active participation in the electoral process. In a joint statement, PTI Chief Organiser Umar Ayub Khan and Parliamentary Leader in Senate Barrister Ali Zafar conveyed appreciation on behalf of Imran Khan, who is currently detained in Addiala Jail.

Acknowledging notable interference and pre-election manipulation by state entities, they hailed Imran Khan’s steadfast commitment to constitutional principles, legality, and democratic norms, setting a new benchmark for Pakistan.

They observed delays and disruptions at polling stations in various constituencies, particularly in Karachi, attributing them to external factors hindering the voting process. Nevertheless, despite formidable challenges, the populace has shown unwavering confidence in Imran Khan’s vision for genuine freedom through their votes.

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Both leaders underscored optimistic preliminary results, with PTI candidates leading convincingly in several constituencies. However, concerns were raised regarding a noticeable slowdown in the announcement of final results, alongside reports of screen closures at returning officers’ offices in several areas.

Warning against undermining the people’s mandate through clandestine maneuvers, they emphasized the potential dire consequences of such actions. Without naming Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) supremo Nawaz Sharif, they asserted that a “failed fugitive” had returned under “state patronage” through the London plan to secure victory in both contested seats along with his party’s broader electoral setback.

Stressing people’s rejection of any attempt to fabricate victory through behind-the-scenes schemes, they urged PTI workers to remain steadfast and focused solely on securing verified election results. They advised candidates and workers not to vacate polling stations without obtaining duly signed and stamped Form 45 or leave returning officers’ offices without acquiring certified Form 47.

Umar Ayub Khan and Barrister Ali Zafar urged the Election Commission of Pakistan to promptly release the results, rather than allowing any irregularities to influence the electoral outcome. Expressing confidence in the overwhelming support of the people and anticipating significant success, they reiterated their commitment to establishing a democratically elected government, leading to the release of Imran Khan from detention and his ascension to the prime ministership.
