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Gold Worth Rs. 2.8 Crore Stolen from Islamabad Bank’s Locker

Gold Worth Rs. 2.8 Crore Stolen from Islamabad Bank's Locker

A private bank located in Islamabad is currently facing a significant controversy after a customer reported that her gold ornaments and cash had mysteriously disappeared from a bank locker she had rented.

This matter began when a woman, who had secured a locker with the bank back in 2018, decided to take legal action by filing a petition in a local court in Islamabad. In her petition, she revealed that she had placed 12 tolas of gold and a certain amount of cash in the locker for safekeeping. However, things took a perplexing turn when she attempted to access her belongings a year later.

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According to the victim’s petition, during her initial visit to check on her locker, she was informed that the bank was in the process of relocating its premises. On her second visit, she was informed that her signatures did not match those on record, which further delayed her access. To her shock, upon her third visit, she discovered that the bank had forcibly opened her locker.

The woman has named multiple bank officials in her petition, including the Branch Manager, Area Manager, and Branch Operation Manager. She has accused them of conspiring to make her gold ornaments and cash disappear from the locker.

However, the situation gains a new perspective when the bank authorities share their side of the story. According to their account, the locker had been forcibly opened due to the non-payment of locker fees for three consecutive years. They assert that the bank had sent two notices to the locker owner, but they received no response.

Nevertheless, the case becomes more intricate due to the victim’s allegation that the bank’s collusion with certain officials has led to the obstruction of efforts to recover her lost belongings. She firmly believes that both the bank and these officials are responsible for impeding the retrieval of her assets.

