Breaking News

Over 90% of Karachi Buildings Lack Fire Safety Measures

Over 90% of Karachi Buildings Lack Fire Safety Measures

More than 90% of the industries, residential buildings, and structures in Karachi, the largest industrial hub of Pakistan, lack fire safety arrangements as building codes are not being implemented by the authorities, experts say.

Around 12,000 to 15,000 people die in hundreds of fire incidents in the country every year, resulting in losses of hundreds of billions due to the violation of building codes, unavailability of fire safety arrangements, and lack of training and awareness among people.

Also Read: CDA Mandates Building and Fire Safety Certificates from Schools

Experts are calling for the teaching of fire safety measures at school, college, and university levels to make people aware of the steps they should take during disasters and calamities.

The suggestions were made during an annual symposium of the Fire Protection Association of Pakistan (FPAP).
