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Rawalpindi Commissioner’s Plan for Model Schools Underway

Rawalpindi Commissioner's Plan for Model Schools Underway

On Monday, Commissioner Liaquat Ali Chattha presided over a crucial meeting in which he urged deputy commissioners from six districts to identify 20 schools each for a comprehensive transformation into model schools.

The primary objective of this initiative is to elevate the quality of education by enhancing laboratory facilities, renovating buildings and washrooms, revitalizing playgrounds, providing new furniture, and ensuring the inclusion of other essential amenities.

Commissioner Chattha displayed a strong emphasis on educational excellence, stressing the importance of incorporating modern teaching techniques in these model schools to effectively nurture students’ growth.

During the meeting, he also addressed administrative matters, expressing dissatisfaction with the performance of assistant commissioners from Saddar and the City. He granted them a week to complete the digitization of land records, emphasizing the urgency of this task. Furthermore, he underscored the need for swift completion of the land record computerization process and the immediate appointment of vacant numberdars’ positions in villages.

Also Read: Schools Reopen After Summer Vacations in Punjab

Beyond these directives, Commissioner Chattha highlighted the necessity for expediting approval processes for economic projects such as petrol pumps, plazas, and buildings. Given the current economic climate, minimizing delays in these matters is of significant importance.

The meeting convened assistant commissioners, additional deputy commissioners, and deputy commissioners from the entire division. Commissioner Chattha emphasized the prompt implementation of welfare initiatives proposed by the chief secretary of Punjab. He set the tone for rigorous monitoring and evaluation, announcing the establishment of performance targets to assess progress during weekly review sessions.
