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PML-N Prepares for Nawaz’s Welcome

PML-N Prepares for Nawaz's Welcome

Rana Sanaullah, the PML-N Punjab President, has instructed party leaders to provide a list of names and cellphone numbers for individuals they plan to bring to Nawaz Sharif’s reception rally on October 21. He stated that the party will use a special software to track these numbers to confirm their presence at the rally.

Also Read: PML-N Discusses Nawaz’s Retaliatory Narrative

This move is part of the PML-N’s efforts to ensure a strong presence at the rally, marking the beginning of its election campaign. Rana Sanaullah emphasized the importance of active participation in the fresh start of the party’s journey and encouraged leaders to submit the names of at least 500 people, along with their contact information and the number of vehicles they will use to travel to Lahore.

The PML-N is leaving no room for uncertainty as it prepares for this significant event, and leaders have been tasked with actively mobilizing and verifying the attendance of supporters.
