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These four items are forbidden in Saudi Arabia during the Hajj pilgrimage.

Four items that pilgrims are not allowed to bring on their Hajj pilgrimage are restricted by Saudi Arabia. Strict guidelines about the prohibition on carrying specific things during air travel for guests of Rahman (referring to pilgrims) have been released by the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah. The following things are not permitted on flights, according to the ministry’s announcement to pilgrims flying to Makkah and Madinah.

Plastic bags:

Since it’s prohibited to bring filled plastic bags on airplanes, pilgrims shouldn’t bring any of their stuff in them. If pilgrims break this restriction, they can get into trouble at the airport.

Water in bottles and other open containers:

Must be avoided by pilgrims in order to prevent spills while flying. Water bottles and other such things may be taken from their luggage by airport employees.

Unwrapped items :

Things that are not properly wrapped or that might spill or come loose from their packing are not permitted aboard airplanes. This includes any things that are not properly packaged.

Bags or goods wrapped:

Things in clothing should not be brought by pilgrims, nor should they wrap any of their possessions in clothing. It is prohibited to bring such objects on board the aircraft.

ALSO READ: Saudia Arabia opens opportunities for Pakistani medical fields:

According to reports, Saudi Arabia is finishing up its preparations for the next Hajj season. The second round of preparations for the forthcoming Hajj season, encompassing several Ministry of Hajj and Umrah divisions, was launched by Tawfiq Al-Rabiah. He emphasized that in order to improve operational capacities across the board, the Ministry would conduct another hypothetical exercise before the Hajj season begins. These simulated experiences, which go beyond only transportation and food to include areas like civil defense, catering, and handling possible crises, will offer invaluable insights into the operating system and the requirements and problems of the pilgrims.
